Cellvizio® lets you see precisely what’s occurring in the human body, at the cellular level in real time.
Know precisely where to target biopsies. Examine cells from inside a nodule. Discover previously undetected lesions.
See the immediate impact of a drug on cells.
It is visibility on a micro level, with macro potential to transform patient management and care.
Cellvizio is a game-changing tool for the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of a range of pulmonary disease, and can play a crucial role in understanding the pathogenesis of COVID-19.

How Cellvizio® Can Access Lung Nodules


Latest Clinical Data at ERS 2021
Lectures & ePosters

Note: all times CEST

Sunday September 5 - 11:30
Oral presentation: Novelties in interventional pulmonology
Needle based confocal laser endomicroscopy for the diagnosis of peripheral lung nodules by robotic navigational bronchoscopy
C. Manley

Tuesday September 7 - 10:00
Skills lab: Interventional pulmonology
Robotic bronchoscopy combined with needle based confocal laser endomicroscopy (nCLE) for peripheral lung cancer
C. Manley

Tuesday September 7 - 15:10
Challenging clinical cases: CCC Thoracic oncology
Needle based confocal laser endomicroscopy: a novel real-time diagnostic approach for suspected peripheral lung lesions.
T. Kramer

Monday September 6 - 16:35 - 17:55
Lungs on fire: LoF Respiratory critical care / Sleep and Breathing disorders
Lungs on fire: Respiratory critical care
K. Kalverda


Monday September 6 - 13:15 - 14:15
E-poster: Convex probe endobronchial ultrasound and radial probe endobronchial ultrasound
Corellation between probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) and chest CT patterns in pulmonary tuberculosis
I. Mamenko



Clinical studies demonstrate its benefits in several indications such as lung nodule characterization or transplant rejection, including this latest publication from Thorax:

Bronchoscopic nCLE as a real-time detection tool for peripheral lung cancer

Bronchoscopic nCLE imaging in peripheral lung cancer is feasible, safe, and allows real-time malignancy detection at the tip of the needle with an accuracy equal to 95%. Blinded raters accurately distinguished nCLE videos of lung cancer from airway/lung parenchyma, demonstrating the potential of nCLE imaging as a real-time guidance tool to reduce the bronchoscopic near miss rate of peripheral lung cancer.



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After viewing the sessions at ERS, we welcome you to continue the conversation on DocMatter, the peer-to-peer discussion and collaboration platform. DocMatter is for physicians only and is completely free, and will enable you to learn more about Cellvizio through questions, clinical cases, and webinars. Join the discussion here.


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nCLE for real-time diagnosing and staging of lung cancer


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